Nestled in the middle of town, surrounded by high rises and concrete, lies a small red barn serving only sandwich meats, no ribs here. I had the sliced beef and sausage. The beef had a very nice smoke ring, but lacked the flavor. It had no crust and was very dry. The briskest was cooked way too fast, the fat had no time to render. The sauce was not even enough to make this taste Better. The sausage fared better, it had a nice smokey flavor and was very moist. I don't think it was house made, but it worked. The only downside with the sausage is that is tasted like little smokies....very odd.
All in all, If I were downtown in a rush for lunch, I might stop in.
5/10 Rating
It had no crust and was very dry. The briskest was cooked way too fast, the fat had no time to render. The sauce was not even enough to make this taste Better. The sausage fared better, it had a nice smokey flavor and was very moist. product reviews